Ramblings of a Soccer Junky
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
  Let's go shopping
So, Nike and US Soccer have released a new 3rd Jersey which the team will wear for the first time on Sunday. I can't say I'm really excited...then again, it's not awful either. It's just... I dunno. Pinstripes? Aren't they supposed to make you look slimmer or something? Better check the roster to see which players on the squad need the slimming agent.

teams. If it were my decision, I'd make sure next seasons jerseys are ready to be ordered for Christmas (or whatever gift giving event you celebrate that time of year). Heck, with only a few weeks until the new What I really don't understand is the timing. Why bring out a 3rd jersey now? Aren't 3rd jersey's supposed to be a merchandising tool to part fans from more of their hard earned cash? MLS and US Soccer always seem to release these at strange times. It's March now. Why didn't they release something four months ago before Christmas when parents/friends/spouses of soccer fans are looking for things the soccer fan in their lives would enjoy unwrapping? It's the same for MLSMLS season, has anyone seen the new jerseys available anywhere? Maybe I've been looking in the wrong places...heck, does anyone know what colors LA will be wearing, or are they going to change mid-season?

What do I know? I'm only a customer.

NOTE: Image used without the permission of US Soccer or Nike in case you are wondering.

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That kit is ugly. Nuff said.f
Sam's Army wears red. The Nats should wear red.

I really liked the Nike "Don't Tread" uniform the US wore for the final tune-up for the World Cup. Bring back Don't Tread! These things look like softball uniforms.
I can't seem to get to the image right now, but I saw a couple of weeks ago where that awful club from Suffolk (*wink*) is going to have pinstripes next season.
I've found it again:


And now I'm going to sanitize my hands. ;)
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An American who fell in love with soccer while living in Europe.

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