Ramblings of a Soccer Junky
Thursday, October 13, 2005
  San Antonio all over again?
So, MLS held this great "put-up or shut-up" press conference the other day in relation to Toronto bid for an MLS team in 2007. Now local media up there is having their say.

Imagine, further, the nerve of these people, starting with one Don Garber, commissioner of something called Major League Soccer, who issued an or-else deadline this week. Either the locals pony up a 20,000-seat soccer stadium by Hallowe'en or his league will be forced to sell its next $10 million (U.S.) franchise elsewhere. As much as it, you know, pains him to have to miss out on this great market.
It sounds to me as if MLS will once again miss out on having a city build a facility.

MLSE would be willing to help out the cause by buying an MLS franchise, provided somebody else — meaning you and me — comes up with at least $50 million of the $60 million or so that a stadium will cost. MLSE reportedly will provide $8 million or 10 million of the stadium cost.
Ya know, the hack has a point. After all, it's not like LA is jumping at the chance to build a stadium for some NFL team. Why should Toronto pay to build a stadium for an MLS team?

Government should turn and run, rather than surrender another public facility to MLSE. The city, especially, should concentrate on picking up the garbage. There's plenty of it on this deal.
Sadly, I've a feeling that's what is going to happen.

Perhaps if they'll put up half like RSL are they'll stand a better chance. Or are the taxpayer groups there just warming up?

The Utah Taxpayers Association believes the project is not going to generate any new money for the state and believes the team should be responsible for finding private investors.

"People are not going to spend more money because there's a soccer stadium in Utah," association vice president Mike Jerman said. Additionally, "subsidizing soccer franchises is not going to create high-wage jobs."
It's actually refreshing to see MLS run into similor roadblocks that the big(er) leagues put up with.
No, it's not refreshing. Are you crazy?

Toronto is definitely not another San Antonio. They have an ownership group, money already earmarked for the stadium, and more. Not even remotely similar. One guy writing a negative article means nothing.
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