Ramblings of a Soccer Junky
Thursday, September 29, 2005
  Sash 1 - 0 Hoops

If you see a Galaxy fan today with a strange look on their face, it's because the unbelievable happened last night. The words Champions and LA Galaxy can actually be used together this season. Ok, Dallas fans will probably complain about injuries or prima-donna strikers, but that's the beauty of the "win or go home" competition.

Anyway, a good announced crowd of 10k showed up at the HDC last night to see the unthinkable happen...and how sweet was that strike from my new hero, Herculez, Herculez, Herculez!??

The game itself wasn't a classic, but when you are in the final of a single elimination competition, you hardly want to make errors. It would have been very interesting if Dallas could have scored something...but I've a feeling that Herc would have nailed one of his other opportunities had that happened.

So, with a new Cup now probably sitting in the restaurant at the South End of the stadium, Steve Sampson can probably start planning for next season. Maybe it's just me, but it feels like the season is now over. Last night was more than this Galaxy fan had hoped for this season. But maybe I'm wrong...maybe this is the kick in the backside Steve Sampson couldn't provide that the team needs to play to their potential...but now, I'm sure his job is safe.

Did Cobi Jones find a fountain of youth or something? What got into him last night? I'm not complaining...but he sure stepped it up. By far, he was the Man of the Match. The guy was everywhere and caused the Dallas backline a lot of trouble.

Now, is it me or was the post-match stuff a bit unorganized? Watching on GolTV, they missed the actually presentation of the Cup (ad break) and that Lindsey/Leslie/Laura (or whatever his name is...it's a girls name that starts with an L) was on the mic down on the field constantly complaining about that things weren't working. He seemed pretty flustered the whole time. It's too bad really cuz on the whole, the broadcast was pretty enjoyable.

Anyway, there's another piece of silverware (glassware?) for the trophy case at the HDC. As a Galaxy fan, let's hope for more soon.
that match was what cup finals are all about....great goals, hard tackles, and punishing mistakes.
Rather bittersweet. I'm glad we got hardware but we still got Sampson. I have to agree that it feels like the season is over for us cuz I just don't see us passing the 1st round of playoffs. Had a fun time last night though.
The pain.....

Oh, THE PAAAAAIN!!!!!!!!!!
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An American who fell in love with soccer while living in Europe.

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