Another ground breaking
The stadium projects in Chicago, Dallas and New Jersey have been getting a lot of attention. However, the Rapids stadium project seems to be running in stealth mode. The good news is,
they are breaking ground tomorrow.
Based on the report, they've now increased capacity to 26,000. They'll share the facility with the local lacrosse team as well as allow youth teams to use their practice facilities.
What I still find amazing after living in Colorado for almost a year is that the team runs under the radar a lot on the local sports scene. I found it difficult finding news coverage of the Galaxy in LA...but they seemed to get a ton compared to what the Rapids get--though to be honest, I had no clue there was a lacrosse team I guess it could be worse.
No mention in the report of Don Garber being there either. I guess that's another reason for the media to avoid this story. Still, in '07 there's going to be another sweet location for MLS fans to watch games.